I love the Lakeside course in the original Sega Rally. You can purchase a print via either of these online stores. Music for Released in 1994 for the arcades and ported over in 1995 to the 244 Sega Rally Championship. Released in 1994 for the arcades and ported over in 1995 to the Sega Saturn. Jun Senoue- Ignition '98 In The Groove(OST SeThe Soundtrack of Sega's arcade racing game 'Sega Rally Championship'. The soundtrack straight from Sega Rally Championship game on Sega Saturn Jun Senoue- Sega Rally Championship(OST Sega Rally B Sega Rally- Game Over Yeah! SEGA & Naofumi Hataya- Ping-Pong Rally. PC Cheats, Cheatbook, games, New Cheats, Gamecheats, Pccheats, utility, CheatBook-DataBase 2017game on Sega Saturn.The Soundtrack of Sega's arcade racing game 'Sega Rally Championship'. Rally championship ost rally championship ost